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Maine Area 28 Committee Meeting Agenda




Maine Area Committee Meeting

January 6, 2013


Open -  Ray A. w/a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer

Daily Reflections – read by Jean M

 Reading of the Twelve Traditions – read by GiGi G.

Review of the Area Inventory Report – prepared and read by Mary Lou Q., Alternate Delegate

Maine Area 28 held an inventory on December 9th, 2012 at the Oasis Club in Saco, Maine. It began at 9:00 am and ran through to 2:45 pm with a pizza and salad lunch supplied by the Area. The inventory was facilitated by Kevin D. from Area 30, East Massachusetts – panel 61. There were 6 DCMs and 2 GSRs in attendance with a total of approximately 45 people.

What is the basic purpose of our Area?

The purpose of the Area is to make it possible for individuals, groups, and districts to carry the message of A.A. This includes being a conduit or connection to the community, keeping communication flowing among all groups for “growth and harmony in the A.A. Fellowship.” (The A.A. Service Manual, 2011-2012. p. S44) Our area and AA as a whole has special workers and trusted servants working in the inter-groups and central service offices. The Area needs to work on our relationship with these entities and also develop clearer communications between and within each.

What more can our Area do to carry the message?

Communication is again the key ingredient. Less dependence on electronic communication between groups and individuals is needed with more phone and snail mail. To help communicate what we do we need to be more explicit about commitments for service positions and share what we do as service. More support for those taking service positions and a better understanding of suggested experience and responsibility involved in electing or appointing people to service positions is also needed. Reach out to all members of the fellowship to join in service work.

Is our Area attracting alcoholics from different backgrounds? Are we seeing a good cross-section of our community, including those with special needs?

Our Area does well in this with our treatment, corrections, bridging the gap and PI and CPC committees. It was suggested that different backgrounds should include the socio-economic and rural/urban differences. We could improve by using hearing impaired equipment at all Area functions and be more amiable in attracting people to service work by emphasizing principles over personalities.

Do new members stick with us, or does the turnover seem excessive? If so why? What can we as an Area do to retain members?

We need to find ways to reach all the Area for service, especially remote areas. It should stress the responsibility that members have when groups or districts pay their way to attend assemblies. They are the voices that need to be heard and instead of leaving early should participate more fully. Turnover seems excessive – we need to simplify and share our service experiences with others joining in service.

Do we emphasize the importance of sponsorship? How effectively? How can we do better?

We need to improve in this area. We could offer available service sponsors at area functions, especially assemblies, to guide new people through the process of service work at the Area level. People who are sponsors can guide sponsees in determining what service positions they may be qualified for and at the same time be a positive and enthusiastic power of example. Perhaps workshops on service sponsors would be good.

Are all members given the opportunity to speak at meetings and to participate in Area activities?

There are differences between service meetings and recovery meetings. Those who get up to speak at service meetings should be given an opportunity to be heard. However, it is the responsibility of each member to be respectful of other members as well as to adhere to the guidelines set down by the Area Chair for getting up to share. Robert’s Rules of Order is used loosely with a spiritual twist to maintain some order in the process of being heard in these service meetings. Always remember we may agree to disagree, always placing principles before personalities and have patience. Moving questions before everyone has a chance to share or being a mic hound and repeating what has already been said – are BOTH inconsiderate behaviors.


Mindful that holding office is a great responsibility not to be viewed as the outcome of a popularity contest, are we choosing our officers with care?

There are some who believe that we are not choosing our officers with care and/or not heeding the suggested experience that each position could use. Always keep in mind to do what is best for the group (Area) not what you think is best for the individual. Are our members making themselves available for positions? When standing for a position perhaps it would be best for the person to address the qualifications suggested in our workbook first and also be clear about how much time they have spent in previous positions. Area Officers could use their reports to share more about what their positions entail for duties and responsibilities and also visit groups and districts.


Are we doing all we can to provide an attractive and accessible meeting place?

The Area now has guidelines for providing accessibility to Area events and our Struggling District Funds offer ways to give financial accessibility. If we as individuals are enthusiastic about our service work we will attract others. We need to share our service experiences and support others in all our service work.


Does our Area do its fair share toward participating in the purpose of A.A.? (As it relates to our Three Legacies of Recovery, Unity, and Service)

It is not a good practice to replace or substitute service meetings for recovery meetings. “Our Three Legacies must be kept intact. In Recovery, we get sober together; in Unity, we work together for the good of our Steps and Traditions; and through Service – we give away freely what has been given to us.” (Daily Reflections, 1990. p. 366) There is a feeling that we need to work on unity along with service.


What has our Area done lately to bring the A.A. message to the attention of professionals in the community- the physicians, clergy, court officials, educators, and others who are often the first to see alcoholics in need of help?

Our Area has had many projects to bring our program to professionals and the public in schools, libraries, doctors and correction packets to name a few. We have Love and Service workshops as well. It is important to remember to be good tenants at each level. More ways to involve districts would add to this area of service.


How is our Area fulfilling its responsibility to the Seventh Tradition?

We were reminded that a prudent reserve is three months of operating funds and all other monies should go to the next level – (ex: group to district, Area, GSO – district to Area, GSO – Area to GSO) to help to carry the message of the A.A. program through literature, hotline, etc. It is the responsibility of each of us to hold our treasurers accountable to report on the funds in their care and for us to actually read these reports. We are non-profit, therefore each group, district, area, and GSO is not to be looking for ways ‘to make money’ but to be good stewards of our resources so we may best help the still suffering alcoholic and carry the message of hope that our program has.


      There were several points that continued throughout our inventory to help us with our purpose. Below is a synopsis of the inventory.


·         Communication

·         Education

·         Information

·         Keeping It Simple

·         Principles over Personalities

·         Maintaining our three legacies of Recovery, Unity, and Service throughout the AA service structure

·         Sharing (a service) on each level – individual, group, district, area, our experience, strength, and hope

  In following these points, some of the things we uncovered through the inventory were as follows:

·         We need to improve our working relationship with our inter-groups (CSO & DEIG)

·         We need to use more U.S. postal service so that those without computers or know how will not be left out of the information loop – being mindful of our different backgrounds.

·         More emphasis needs to be put on the resources that Area provides such as literature, struggling district funds, information packets, and workshops.

·         Passing on our experiences to the next person coming up into service needs to be done.

·         We need to be more attractive and that can really only be done at the individual level. If you are enthusiastic about your service experience then you will attract others to service (unfortunately the reverse is also true). We need to be mindful of the role modeling of sobriety and service we present to others and reach out to others with positive support.

·         More workshops on sponsorship and the role of GSRs and DCMs at the Area level – distinction between sponsors and service sponsors, could be done.

·         Individuals need to be respectful of the fellowship so all can get a chance to share/ participate / learn at the Area level (Assemblies – the mic) Patience

·         Office holding and electing trusted servants is a responsibility and a commitment. We need to be mindful of what is best for the Area, not the individual when electing our trusted servants. Trust in God.

An inventory is not an end in itself. Our Steps don’t stop at four. It is now up to each of us working together to benefit from what we have learned and incorporate that experience and wisdom in our future actions.

Respectfully Submitted in Love and Service by Mary Lou Q., Alt. Delegate

Ray A. - asked for questions or comments;

·discussion regarding where we go from here and how we put this information to use

·are we communicating to the best of our ability, properly and enough

·return to your groups with the inventory notes and bring feedback to the Spring Assembly

Mary Lou's note-worthy quote; While discussing Communication … Communication … Communication and 'attraction over promotion'  Mary Lou summed this process up very nicely by stating, 

“You may be the only service position someone gets to see”.

Standing Committee Meetings

MACM reconvenes

Ray A. - 

·Motion to accept the minutes of the September 9, 2012 MACM

·motion, second and accepted

·Linda could not be here today

·Sylvio is stepping down, we'll discuss that further in new business

·Call for District and then Committee Reports  

District Reports

District 2

As a result of the Area 28 Inventory, 2 of our GSR's are now also conducting Group Inventories. Thank you Maine Area 28

Eddie  L.

District 3                            

We have lost another long time member of AA this week, Michael Conlon. He was our District Registrar/Web Person Chair. His memorial is this afternoon so keep him & his family in your prayers. Next Sunday we will be talking about the ‘Recovery goes to Camp’ and district’s Round Up funds. Nina & Phil will be coming to help direct us as we talk about money and where it can and cannot be used & donated.

Respectfully Submitted                

Jean M                     

District 3 Chair

District 5

District 5 is doing well. Participation and enthusiasm is high. Our Young People's group is celebrating 7 years this month. Their celebration is Saturday Jan 19 from 6:30 to 9:30.  It will begin with a potluck, BB trivia, and meditation, followed by the regular meeting at 8:15 where current and former group members will be speaking.  Takes place at St. Mary's Hospital, Lepage Conference room.  District will be looking into doing its own inventory soon.


Mike L

D5 Chair

 District 8

Everything is doing well. Alca-thon did well. Getting new phone for Down East Inter-group.

Don C.

DEIG Chair 

District 10

District 10 is in the process of changing; we have a big turnover, loose people regularly and are talking about making our meeting place more “friendly”.

Marty W

District 13

District 13 had an excellent turn out when we last met on Wednesday, December 12, 2012. Attendance was great and we had several GSR's and many visitor's. Our District who recently voted in a Love and Service Chairperson, and was promptly supported with putting on a last minute Christmas Alca-thon which was very successful. 9 Groups participated A sober dance for New Years Eve was also a great success! The Love and Service Chair and Committee are planning to put on a “Traditions” play in the near future with many supporters with much enthusiasm. Our “Lenders Library to Recovery” is still getting off the ground with the word spreading via fliers and “word of mouth” and donations are starting to flow in as a result. Many AA's in the District have been participating in passing on the message at Correctional Facilities including York County ail, Windham Correctional Facility and The Alfred Woman's Re-Entry Center. GSR's are distributing meeting lists regularly and other AA's have been asking to distribute the new “PICPC's “sponsor your healthcare provider” packets. The District will need to acquire more. GSR's report that meetings are well attended with a steady flow of outgoing and incoming commitments. Jobs are being filled and new comers welcomed. Groups are self-supporting. GSR's were reminded that they are encouraged and welcomed to Maine Area Committee mtgs.

In Love & Service

Bonnie B

District 13 Chair

District 25

Our District is slowing down as no one wants to stand for positions. I agreed to stay as District Chair for 1 more year, but am re-thinking my decision as I can't even get the minutes. We are snail mail& it seems we are not important enough to receive any info from Area or Assembly meetings. We should not have to beg for minutes to be sent snail mail in a timely fashion. GSR's are down. Contribution's are down for the District. We might have 2 GSR's show for the District. Corrections is doing well. Love & Service is doing well. Our Alca-thon was good although everyone was gone by 10:30. Meetings are doing well in attendance.

Peggy G.

District 25 Chair

 Standing Committee Reports


We had only three of us for the meeting but we reviewed the Registrar job description proposal, the addition for the treasurer’s job description and the index for the White Book which we have finished with the help of Donna R. compiling data. There was no new business and we will be presenting the workbook changes for inclusion on the Spring Assembly agenda. Respectfully submitted by Mary Lou Q.

 Love and Service

Working on four workshops for this spring. Dates are being formulated. District 3,6,19 & 21.

In Love & Service

Jay M.


Grapevine is doing good. Newest book is Happy, Joyous & Free (the Lighter Side of AA) Beginning in mid January the Grapevine will begin collecting recorded stories in members own voices – if interested visit  . Tips are offered to help you think about topics. Length of recording time is 7 mins. Guidelines are available so you will be prepared to record your story. I am also returning $250.00 seed money from 2012. Thank you,

Peggy G.

P.S. Remember to renew your subscription to the Grapevine magazine.

Archives Chair Report

Hello, My name is Byron B. and I am a recovering Alcoholic.

I serve as your Archives Committee Chairperson. This morning your Archives Committee had 5 people in attendance. There was much discussion to establish work days on Saturdays at Central Service Office where our Maine area 28 Archives are stored. There is still much need to set up, reorganize, inventory and log Area Archives as a whole. District Chairpersons will be informed on dates so that our fellowship will be informed and help should the dates set up for workdays on archives be on days that people can commit to help. Your archives Committee was given and informed about the pamphlet “THE A.A. ARCHIVES”. Unfortunately at the present time this pamphlet is made available to your Area Archivist, Alternate Area Archivist and your Archives Committee Chairperson in their respective Service Packets. This is an excellent pamphlet that should be made available to ALL persons whom have taken a commitment and sent in their respective Group, District and Area information Change Forms.

Groups, Districts and Areas would be much better informed about Archives and the importance of Archives (our history) if this pamphlet was more accessible than to only three Area trusted servants. I will be working with our delegate on this and looking forward to this pamphlet being available on our Maine Area 28 website.

Happy 24 Hours,

Byron B.

Special Needs

The Big Book is now available in braille or large print. Daily Reflections and 3 AA pamphlets are also available in braille. Discussed how Maine Area 28 can help groups with deaf members.

Mark T.

Special Needs Chair


Hello I'm Roy R., your Maine Area 28 Treatment Facility Chair. At the present time, I don't have anything to report. Attendance at the Committee meetings has not been very good due to the holidays. It's been a slow time of year. We hope to get back to work this new year. I'm looking forward to attending some new workshops, traveling on the road again throughout Maine Area 28. I'm hoping to contact some professionals in the treatment field in the near future and see if we can put on a workshop in a treatment facility sometime this Spring. Thats all I have to report at this time.

Sincerely Yours in Service

Roy R.

Maine Area 28

Treatment Facilities Chair

CSO Liaison

Godo morning my name is Tom and I am an alcoholic. I am honored to serve as your CSO Liaison for Area 28.My home group is the Scarborough RT 1 Group in Dist 26

I have been serving in this position for 1 year and enjoyed it very much.

At our Fall assembly I took some time to speak to Linda, our delegate, about her thoughts on the role of CSO Liaison. She gave me her ideas and I followed up with emails to Linda ,Ray, and Gary. The purpose was to try to write up some guidelines for the position. When I accepted the position, there were no written information in our Area workbook. What was done over the years was passed on verbally; I guess Ray suggested I speak to Roy and Gary for ideas. Gary has been my main source of help and i really appreciate it. My goal is to continue to talk to Gary, Linda, Ray about guideline ideas for the next CSO Liaison and have them completed

I attended the Area Inventory workshop and when Kevin posed the question" How Area and CSO get along"? there were various laughs and sounds from those present. That concerned me very much and i addressed the "response "at the inventory.

There is very little communication between Area 28 and CSO and this was noted at the Inventory.. Over the years i have heard attitudes, judgments and very hurtful comments about CSO. Groups and Districts will not give to CSO because of "personalities over principles". It has recently happened last year over financial issues that have occurred at CSO and AREA.

I have talked to people who say this has been going on for years, with no resolve, just resentments and egos taking over. I know of some in my years of service to AA. They are not healthy to our fellowship, especially the newcomer. When i was early in sobriety, I was attending my business meeting and we did not give to GSO.I had no idea why and did not ask. It went on for a while before it was changed.

One of my first presentations to the Area, it was suggested that i speak about, "what CSO was and how it was a part of AA". It seems that some members did not believe that CSO was part of AA.I quoted our Maine Area website "CSO's and Intergroups are not part of the AA Service Structure but are considered part of AA." Please refer to Area 28 website if you have questions about the role of CSO and Intergroups.

I was at the area inventory and when Kevin asked "How does Area 28 and CSO communicate''? There was a great deal of laughter or some kind of sounds that did not seem positive to me. I addressed the response and shared my concern as a member of AA . What is the Problem?

Our Area Inventory identified "communication as a problem between Area28 and CSO. And from my 1 year experience, I agree we have some work to do to correct this.

In our Guidelines for Central or Intergroup Offices it says the following under Communication; Communication is the key to working together-Central Office or Intergroup Office and General Service office of AA. In 1990 ,the General Service Conference stressed the importance of communication and recommended that Delegates establish and maintain contact with officers in their Area to share conference information and insure that central/intergroup offices have a voice in the Fellowship through their existing service structure.

Try and find out what is going on by getting together .It is important from time to time with corresponding committees in your area. It is important to share ideas and discuss activities so as to avoid duplication of effort. It is not important who does the work (the General Service Committee or the CSO or Intergroup Committee in your area) but that the work gets done-that help is there for the alcoholic who needs us and our Fellowship.

Central offices and General Service area committees are complimentary, rather than competitive, AA operations. Both exist to help insure AA's primary purpose of carrying the message."

With this information, I propose a solution to our communication problem.

A designated time for meeting e.g. MACM Meetings,  Assembly. Those attending: CSO Director, Intergroup Representative, Delegate, Area Chair, CSO Liaison

.Have a workshop on CSO at Assembly ( 1 every 2 years)

Those that may have other ideas or suggestions let me know.

I think this is a step in the right direction. Clean up the "stuff " from the past and start anew. Solve our communication issues and be of better service to the sick and suffering. That is our primary purpose!
Yours in Love and Service

Tom F.

Archivist Report

The following is a report of Archive activities since the Fall Assembly. 

·On December 30th we (Rose T and I) carried the Archives traveling road show to the Searsport Sunday Night Group’s 30th Anniversary

The attendance and pot luck supper were great, considering the bitter weather and evening timing.

Some of the speakers from the original first year were there to share how it was back then.

 Remember us at your L&S days, Anniversary’s, and other special events; we’d be happy to bring the Archives traveling road show.  

In Service

Pete T.

ME Area Archivist

Literature Committee

We had a good meeting at the Love and Service meeting

That's all Folks

Joe M.

Public Information Committee

The PI Committee met this morning and continued working on our school initiative.

We realized that step three of our suggestions has been a difficult one for many members.

3)  Initiate and develop contact with a responsible staff person at the school who is involved with counseling or otherwise guiding students and might come in contact with or be aware of students with alcohol issues or family alcoholism issues. A head counselor or substance abuse counselor might be ideal but another counselor, a medical staff person, health educator, or vice principal might be appropriate.

·We recommend that initial contact be personal through either a telephone call or a personal visit, or both.

We decided that we will present mini-workshops on this third step at this year’s MAC meetings and at the Spring Assembly. These will be 15-20 minute sessions and open to anyone.

To facilitate these initial visits, we will get a supply of personalizable calling cards from CSO to distribute.

We also realized that it is important in this initial discussion at the school to have a pamphlet to leave with your school contact (P-42, A Brief Guide), the school poster (“Where is the best place to hang this poster?”) and a selection of literature to discuss (“Which of these do you think will be most appropriate to have at your school?”).

We decided to put together some packets of these materials to give to members who participate in our mini-workshops.

Finally, we discussed who should pay for on-going materials placed in the school. We concluded that this is the responsibility of the local district (although the area committee may help if requested by the district chair). Schools may purchase materials themselves but we consider purchase our responsibility as AA outreach and service.

Yours in Love and Service,

Peter L,

PI Chair

Bridging The Gap

Four people attended. We came up with a plan to put together a kit to distribute to the Districts. We are going to gather materials and hopefully put them together in February.

In Love & Service

Bob W.

Round Up Report

Dear Maine Area- Here is my report for the Maine Area Round Up committee.  We have been meeting each month with the exception of December due to the holidays. 

George and I had the privilege of meeting with the events coordinator at the Sugarloaf Hotel on December 21.  Scott, the events coordinator shared his excitement about meeting with us, as no one had visited the mountain in many years.  Some of the changes for the 2013 Round Up came as a result of the meeting.  One integral change is that Sugarloaf will be taking over the meal purchases.  A person will make arrangements with Sugarloaf reservation desk for rooms and/or meal packages.  Sugarloaf is looking into whether or not rooms and/or meal packages can be purchased online.

There have been concerns as to why those that purchased meals were allowed “choice seating down front.” Recently The Fire Marshal has restricted the numbers in King Pine Room, for less attendee’s to be in there. Theatre style seating will give us more seats as it raises the numbers allowed in King Pine. This means that meals will not be served in King Pine, allowing theatre seating for all functions that are scheduled in King Pine.  Meals will be served in the Spruce Room to best accommodate those who purchase meal plans.

We have lowered the RU pre-registration to $20. If this works, and we are able to fully cover RU costs, RU registration may be lowered in the future.

Our Speaker Chair, Joe, from Calais has been working on the continued development of relationships with our secured speakers.

Carly, Entertainment Chair, has secured a DJ for Friday night. A contract is in process of being developed for signature by Round Up Chair and DJ.  Carly is continuing the search for a band for Saturday night.  After I visited Sugarloaf I visited Rangeley to see The Tom Ball Band, who is in the mix as a possible choice and The Big Love Band is discussing the possibility of playing. 

We are awaiting a copy of the contract from Sugarloaf to finalize the flyer.  We will be printing about half the amount of flyers as we have in the past.  We are hopeful that people will use the Internet as a means of registering.  There are 600 flyers planned for CSO, 300 for The Beam and Districts will be broken down into smaller number of flyers, as seen appropriate based on the amount of meetings in the District. The Committee members will not be getting any flyers. We will be getting the flyers completed in time for the Regional meetings that our Delegate will attend in February. The amount of flyers going to Regional meetings will be lessened after a conversation with our Delegate.

The Hospitality Chair position is open, however 2 qualified candidates are interested in filling the position.  I would like to request that GSR’s and District Chairs go back to their groups and ask what groups want for the Hospitality Room.  Our budget is a bit more than $375.00 and in order to give groups what they want we will wait to make definite plans on how to proceed. Shall we have snacks, coffee, and a place to decompress or shall we have light foods and a social area. Funds for the Hospitality Room are low and financial support from Groups/Districts will be needed, as well as appreciated, so that we can serve all attendees of the Round Up. Please contact our Hospitality Chair; financial donations go to to the RU Treasurer. Our new mailing address for the next 12 months is:

Maine Area Roundup

PO Box 831

Gray, ME 04039

The mail will go to Gray where our Treasurer has easy access to the post office box.  Gigi continues to work on setting up Pay Pal with Area’s tax exempt ID.  She will follow up with Nina for assistance if necessary.  Our established budget is attached.

“ We have ceased fighting” has provoked some great workshop topics and Jim continues working hard towards coordinating topics with speakers from all districts, if you have a person who would be a candidate to share at a workshop please contact Jim at

Our website is under construction.  Once the flier is finalized and printed it will be available on line.  If you have any questions see George.

The committee is scheduled to have a Group Inventory on January 20, 2013. A report of the Inventory will be summarized in the next report.

Please feel free to contact me at with questions or concerns.

In loving Service,

Nikki O.

Finance Committee Meeting

Serenity Prayer

Attendees: Debra M-District 5, Phil H-District 17, Ray A-District 6, Nina R-Chairperson


Phil Henderson, Treasurer:

·Treasurer's Report—see report listed under MACM Minutes.

Old Business:

·Discussion on Updated 2012 Budget.

·Discussion on Finance Committee Guidelines.

·Line Items on Budget Report.

New Business:



Declaration of Unity

                        This we owe to AA's future:

                        To place our common welfare first;

                        To keep our fellowship united.

                        For on A.A. unity depend our lives,

                        And the lives of those to come

Nina R

Finance Chair

Area Officer Reports

Delegate Report  (written by Linda T. & read by Ray A. in her absence)

Good Morning, I am an alcoholic, my name is Linda.  I currently service as your Maine Area 28 Delegate, Panel 62.

I will be sending Robin and Sylvio the official minutes from the October 2012 meeting of the General Service Board.  This is a quarterly meeting and was held at the Hilton Rye Town Hotel in New York.  Please contact me with any questions or comments you have about what was discussed and reported.  The document is 50 pages of valuable information and I would love to come discuss and/or take questions at your home group or district meeting.

Because of my Panel 62 Delegate assignment to Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee, I received the Highlights of the Trustees Committees from October 2012 Board Weekend for the Cooperation with the Professional Community, Treatment/Special Needs – Accessibility, Corrections, and Public Information Committees.  I also have highlights from AAWS.  These will also be included in the minutes.  The Grapevine News from the Executive Editor/Publisher as well as a flyer for the 2014 National AA Archives Workshop being held in Philadelphia will also be sent along.  I urge you to share this information as you see fit with members of your home group and district. 

January 15th is the deadline for submitting Agenda items for the 2013 General Service Conference.  February 14th is when the Conference Committee Background is sent to Committee members and February 15th is when the Compilation of Conference Committee Background is sent to Conference Members.  As I mentioned in my last report this is being sent out later this year as the General Service Board Weekend is Feb 2-4.  This will in turn make the turn around even tighter for getting the Conference Agenda items out to you all.  I will do my best.

Letters were sent from the Treasurer at the General Service Office to each group and DCM in Area 28 along with their contribution statement.  The percentage of groups contributing in Area 28 on a comparative basis for the nine months ended September 2012 is 28.07% and 2011 is 30.28%.  I have a copy of the Quarterly Contribution Report for the groups in Area 28 if anyone would like to look at it.  The report reflects contributions through 9/2012.  Total contributions for US and Canada were $17,218.44 and $804.60 respectively.

It is an honor and privilege to serve Alcoholics Anonymous.

Thank you,

Linda Thompson

Delegate Area 28 Panel 62

Alt. Delegate

At the Fall Assembly I started work on updating the job description for the Registrar spurred on by an email from GSO Records Dept. I also wrote an addition to the job description of the Treasurer at the request of Phil H. our treasurer. Since the duties of the Alt. Delegate include Guidelines Committee Chair, I was happy to get the ball rolling on these items.

            With the actions of the Fall Assembly including to hold an inventory, my November and December were quite busy. It is the duty and responsibility of the Alt. Delegate to keep the Maine Area Workbook and White Book of Area Actions updated. This needs to be done at the end of each year so that they will be ready for printing and distribution at the Spring Assemblies. Entries of the guidelines that were voted in were made as well as changes to the table of contents to reflect the additions. This document was sent to the Area Chair and to CSO, which does the printing. The White Book actions additions for each assembly in 2012 were made and sent out also. There are still some technical glitches that I have encountered but members of the fellowship have been great in helping me through them.

            At the Maine Area Committee Inventory that was held December 9th in Saco, I had the privilege of taking notes and creating a report. I found the experience to be very enlightening and it has helped me look at my own sobriety and membership in our fellowship and the program of A.A. I am here to assist the Maine Area Committee in any way I can, as are all our Maine Area Officers. It helps give me purpose and enhances my sobriety.

            One other project that I worked on in conjunction with Donna R. was an index for the White Book of Maine Area Actions. I believe that it will be a very helpful addition for research and guidance on future Maine Area actions. The thought occurs to me that we may need to return to separate books – Workbook and White Book as we add pages to each.

            I hope through my reports and the actions of the guidelines committee that you will be able to get a better understanding of the Alt. Delegate’s service position and be willing to stand for it in the future as you feel eligible. In love and service, submitted by your trusted servant Mary Lou Q.

Alternate Chair

My name is Byron B. and I am a recovering Alcoholic. 2012 has come and gone One Day At  A Time. There were many Workshops, Group Inventories, District Inventories and our Maine Area 28 service support structure had an inventory taken that was much needed and overdue.

Together this past year we all had the opportunity to gain Experience, Strength and Hope as trusted servants when a variety of challenges and opportunities presented themselves to our fellowship with in Maine Area 28.

I for one am truly great full for the opportunity to have served and to have been of service in 2012 with such wonderful trusted servants such as your selves. However, 2013 is a new year and with it comes new challenges and opportunities as well as unfinished business.  In order for each of us to accomplish what ever may present itself is to humbly take our egos out of the equation and serve together, together. Each of us has taken a commitment to serve and be of service.

For myself, in 2013 I choose to not only continue my commitment that I have taken, I choose to make a commitment and be committed to the Groups, Districts, Trusted Servants and Fellowship in Maine Area 28. By doing so, the results of my personal recovery have greater chances to improve Happier, Healthier and Safer for others in our fellowship and myself.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as I continue to recover.

Happy 24 Hours,


Secretary – Hi, Robin … Alcoholic. Thank you for allowing me to be of service as your Area 28 Secretary.  I hope everyone has been having a safe and healthy holiday season. We have lots to talk about today so I'll try to be brief. Communication has been fantastic. The error kick backs from the gmail account are at an all time minimum. I want to thank everyone who took a few moments out of their day to contact me and work out the glitches that were causing communication problems. Nice work. Moving forward, If anyone has issues opening or reading any files or attachments please do not hesitate to contact me. There is usually a solution that can be had after a little conversation. My email address' or and my cell phone (207)739-9069 are attached to every email, but I'll give them again now. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

If you are having trouble with an email, please don't reply from that email. Send me a fresh email or call me. Sometimes people try to reply from the 'bad email' and it appears to have sent but actually hasn't.

Again … It is always the best practice, if you are able, to email me reports. It is the best way to ensure accuracy and helps get the notes out much quicker.

 In Love & Service

Robin G.

Area 28 Secretary

Alt. Secretary – see new business

Treasurer, Financial Report and Treasurer’s Report – to be sent when I receive it.

Alternate Treasurer Report

·Updated 2012 Budget Reports are available.

·Did not go to any District meetings during the holidays.  Will get back to them this month.

Respectively Submitted

Nina R

Registrar – Nothing to report – All is well with the Registrar Willy K.

Area Chair - Hello my Name is Ray Albert and I am currently serving as Chair Person of the Maine Area 28.

Thank you for allowing me to serve. Before I go any further, I would like to Thank District 17 for ghosting our Fall Assembly. I would also like to thank the District 17 team for the thought they put into the design of the directional signs they made for the event, they were exactly what we should all be using when making signage for any A.A. function. I am hoping that Dana would be willing to get us instructions on how the sings were made so we can share them with anyone that asks in the future. The signs were made like a sandwich board with the A.A. symbol and a directional arrow and nothing else. PERFECT!

As you have heard we had an area inventory last month, thanks to all who attended, I think we all got a lot out of the meeting, I know I did.

2012 is behind us and 2013 will be over before we know it and we should plan for the year ahead;

Probably our biggest challenge for us will be to Elect the best people we can find to fill the committee positions for Panel 54. As you are working with your committees and attending area events please watch for those people who walk the walk and talk the talk, walking and talking aren’t nearly enough. Who are the people that are making themselves available and actually showing up for the commitment they made?

And what about our groups? What do they need from us to best offer support to the still sick and suffering alcoholic as well as the recovering/recovered alcoholic?

What can Maine Area 28 offer each of our Districts to better support the groups and their communities?

What information do we need to arm our Delegate with when she goes to the Conference in order to let them know how much we care about the alcoholic, our area and the Importance of GSO.

What motions should our groups, members and districts bring forward to the Maine Area Committee?

After all we only have 2 more meetings after today that motions can be discussed prior to the spring assembly in Millinocket and a total of 4 before our fall assembly…..times a ticking.

Thank you for attending today, yours in service


Old Business

·Update on the Ad Hoc Committee for a Maine Area Webmaster.

New Business

·This is our groups’ opportunity to present motions to the Maine Area Committee for consideration at our assembly

             PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL MOTIONS MUST BE IN WRITING AND GIVEN TO THE SECRETARY AFTER YOU PRESENT IT. Our secretary or chair will then re-read your motion to be voted on by the committee.

Motions (see attached)

·A new Alternate Secretary will be voted on at the Spring Assembly … please pass this along to your groups … the responsibilities and recommended qualifications can be found in your AA Service Manual. Be thinking about bringing interested parties to the Spring Assembly

Announcements –

 Don C. celebrated 3 years today … CONGRATULATIONS Don!!!   

Close with the Lords Praye


Motion #1

To update the Maine Area 28 Service Workbook for the position of Registrar by replacing the current 18.1 and 18.2 with the following:

·Relationship to Area

Facilitate groups with registrations and cooperation with General Service  Office (GSO) Records Department through the use of Fellowship New Vision (FNV) data base. The Registrar will use FNV to update records of groups and trusted servants in Maine Area 28, check records for groups and districts and provide print out information.

·Area Duties

·Establish a working relationship with Area DCMs, the Delegate, and the Records Staff at the GSO.

·Provide basic information such as:

·How FNV works

·Explain the 30-day New Group pending process

·Explain the 6th Tradition (as it applies to naming a new group)

·Provide group information to GSRs/Groups including Status Codes and what they mean and the Group Service Number

·General Duties

            Process group/individual updates in a timely manner. Meet GSO directory timelines. Meet deadlines imposed by Maine Area 28. Retain a copy of the FNV User’s Manual for reference to be passed on to the incoming Registrar. Train incoming Registrar at Swap-out meeting and additional time that may be needed.

·Recommended Service Experience

            Prior DCM and GSR experience, experience with computers and advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite programs is useful, minimum of three (3) years sobriety.

 Background: Information that was obtained through communication with GSO Records Department and the use and skills needed for the effective completion of Registrar Duties, made it evident that our current ‘job description’ of the Registrar position was woefully incomplete and out-of-date since the initiation of Fellowship New Vision (FNV) technology.

Motion #2 

To add the following to the Maine Area 28 Service Workbook under Area Treasurer 16.3.1: The Maine Area 28 Treasurer will be responsible for bringing forms and signature cards to the Area swap-out meeting for the purpose of turning over the Maine Area bank accounts to the newly elected Treasurer, Alternate Treasurer, and Area Chairperson.

Background: When new officers are elected the Area Chair Person, Area Treasurer and Alternate Treasurer for the past two years must be removed from the Area’s bank accounts and the new officers need to be put on the accounts. This can now be handled at the Maine Area swap-out meeting in December after the Fall Election Assembly and does not require the officers to travel to a specific bank branch to complete the process. As a responsibility and duty of the out going Treasurer, this will make the turnover process much more efficient and less confusing.

Motion # 3

I would like to make a motion that only Maine Area Assembly Business is conducted on the Assembly floor, including literature.

Background: The Grapevine, CSO, Literature, Archives and meeting list tables deter from the business at hand. We could set up these tables for sales or display in another area within the facility.

Motion # 4

That Area 28 reinvent presentation of Archives.

Background: This valuable resource is not utilized when offered during workshops for other AA activities. We set up just prior to and pick up immediately after these functions. Perhaps we need a book highlighting what's available. A tour guide leading interested people through the displays w/background information might help. Archives Workshop?


Allow the Roundup Committee right or decision (Concept 3) in regards to what tapers sell or display at Roundup

George B.

Alt Roundup Chair





































2011 Approved


2011 YTD


2012 Approved


2012 YTD


2013 Approved


Item #

Maine Area Officers:






























Alt. Delegate/Guidelines Chair















Area Chair















Alt. Chair/Archives Chair






























Alt. Secretary






























Alt. Treasure/Finance Chair






























Officers Sub-Totals






























Standing Committees:















Al-Non Liaison















Archives Committee






























Alt. Archivist















Boomerang Reporters















Boomerang Editor















Bridging the Gap













































CSO Liaison













































Love & Service















Public Information















Round-Up Chair















Alt. Round-Up Chair















Special Needs















Special Needs Co-Chair






























Committee Sub Totals:















Officers & Comm. Totals






























Revolving Accounts, Seed Money















Ad Hoc Committee















Alt. Sec./ Printing & Postage















Archives Display at CSO















Archives Rent to CSO















Area Comm. Meetings Hall Rental















Area Meeting Opener-Coffee Supplies















Boomerang Printing/Postage















Delegate ( Conference)















Fall Assembly















Grapevine-Lit. Purchases















Guidelines (Workbook Printing)















Literature-Literature Purchases















Love & Service Days 4 Per Year















Post Conference Forum






























Round-Up (Sign Language)















Spring Assembly















Struggling District















Revolving Accounts Sub-Total






























Other Expenses:















Area Insurance















Bank Charges















Coffee Pots for Area Meetings















Laptops-Maint.Antivirus Program















Meal Tickets for Spring Assembly















Meal Tickets for Fall Assembly















Photo Copier-Printer















Special Needs Equipment















UPS Box Rental















Other Expenses Sub-Total:






























Overall Totals:











